Casual Testing & Slight Adjustments

With the project coming to a close i decided to take this week to tweak and fine tune where ever i could. One of the first things that i wanted to tweak was the overall speed of the vehicle, the reasoning behind this was when i have been doing my casual play testing people have mentioned the fact that the vehicle was a lot slower than what they had anticipated it be, specifically with it being a hover car. To increase the speed all i needed to do was go back into my player controller and change the "add force variable" that i had created. The second thing that i had done is utilise the whole map and scatter pickups over the map i made sure that when i scattered the pickups that where they were places made sense, for example to boost picks were always available just before a long straight stretch of road so that the player doesn't loose control trying to boost around corners etc. As well as this i jumped back into particle effects this time for a effect...