More Distractions and Bug Fixes

After play testing the myself i realised that there was a few bugs that i have been meaning to fix for quite a while and had just forgot about and left until i know i had time, At this point i know i am ahead of the schedule that i had made so i gave myself some time this week to try and fix some of the bugs that were annoying me and stopping me from doing a public play test.

The first one was that when i was driving at the start i had noticed a problem where i was constantly spawning and the line traces that control the hover components were getting stuck under the floor meaning i could drive forwards and backwards but i couldn't turn without crashing into a static mesh and pushing myself out of the floor. This bug didn't happen all the time so it was still playable it was just something i was wanting to get fixed and out of the way as soon as possible.

the way that i had tackled this problem was to make two scripts, the first one was to see if the player was stuck on spawn and if it was it would reset the line traces until it it hit something solid and in this case it was the road, The second but of script was to check if the hover vehicle at any point had managed to flip over whether by accident during the race or even at the start, if it had flipped over it would then get a re spawn location for an array that i had created and re spawn the player back to the closest one o where they had flipped.

After testing this i found hat it worked like a charm and fixed my problem, the only thing was that the trace length was too long and also the hover force was too powerful so that the vehicle would not bounce around as much. I then went into my player controller and my hover component and changed both of these attributes accordingly.

when changing these i made sure that i set the hover force to 60,000 that way there was enough force keeping the player off the ground a good amount and also was making it bounce around and react properly when i hit into walls or other objects. When changing the trace length it was a bit different as i changed the front lengths to be slightly shorter than the back as this would work like a front wheel drive car would making the hover integrity of the front of the car stronger and stopping the car from flying up into the sky a bit once crashing.



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