Final Blog Entry

 During this week my practical project had came to an end.

Throttle has definitely been a massive highlight for me during my time at university because i was given the creative freedom to create something that was personal to me, i was a lot more engaged in the project. Now the project is coming to an end i can see a lot of things that i would change, i am happy with this though because it's a whole learning process and i'm confident i can identify where to i need to improve.

After finishing working on Throttle, looking back over all of the decisions and choices that i had made i can definitely see a lot of room for improvement.  One of the major things that i would improve is my research, i personally think that a lack of reference and research can make or break a game. i should have researched more  AI. i noted when playing through my game after completion that AI driving on the road with the player would push my project to the next level in terms of game design.

I have packaged my project up onto two memory sticks and turned them in for my submission, Along with the throttle Exe. is all of my pre production work, beauty shots and other things that are needed. I have massively enjoyed working on this project and am looking forward to new projects in the future.



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