Map Design & More

After getting a lot of my core mechanics sorted and working i have decided to try and use my map layout and actually replicate that within the engine using my modular kit. during my pre production stage i went through and created a few different potential map layouts that i might go with and these helped me quite a bit when it came to blocking things out.

After a few different attempts this is the racing track that i decided to go ahead with, the reason for this is because it breaks my environment up into three different sections which i quite like and gives the map more diversity. These sections are broken up into, a main high street, a residential area and then lastly a industrial area. 

When i first started blocking the level out i did the same thing as what i did a few weeks ago where i started adding barricades around the parts of the map that i dont want the player to go to, i enjoyed this part of the project a lot because of the modular kit that i had bought i was given a lot of character rigs and animations that i could do stuff with and give then environment
more life. For example i had a police officer hold up another character and also had a ufo abduct a cow from the middle of a road.

After this week i cold really see my game coming together a lot as i had a map fully blocked out and had a checkpoint system working, i practically had a working game from start to finish which was good to see. when i played through the game after doing the level design i took notes for things to polish off when it came to refining my project.



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