Starting Polishing Stage

This week i started off where i left off this week and that was with HUD elements, i wanted to try and polish them up as much as i could. with my having my pickups in the game and working decided that for the boost i want a notification or item area on the screen so the player knows they have picked a boost up. I did this by creating UI elements in Photoshop like i did last week and then took them into engine so that i could animate them.

When i took them into engine i then create a new HUD element for when the player overlaps with the boost pickup. I then started to animate the elements that i had made within the widget creator, i had animated it so that when the player overlaps with the pickup the item displays on the screen above the players head and then slides over to the top right of the screen out of the way. From there i have the A button flashing to notify the player that they have picked it up and they can use it. Here is an example below of how it looks on the screen:

As well as this i edited the main menu image, what i did was created a mask in Photoshop of what i wanted to move and what i did not, i then created a material in the engine where i was able to add a banner to what i didn't want visible and replace it with another image.  i have shown below what i have done in the material editor to create the effect. The effect that i was going for was the original image of the billboard but have an image of the cloud pan in the background making it look like its in game.

Lastly whilst i was animating things in my HUD i thought i might as well animate stuff in the main menu, i animated the throttle logo on the main menu so that it bounces around and pulses, kinda like the logo effect on hotline Miami.



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