HUD and Main Menu Polish Up

This week i had not got as much done as i would of liked to, i pretty much focused on polishing up the in game HUD and the main menu screen where all of the best times are displayed. I started with the main menu as i though it was going to take the least amount of time and would be the easiest to get out of the way. I first started off by taking a screenshot of a billboard that i wanted to use in game, from there i then took it into the engine and used it as a background for the menu. I then aligned everything up on the billboard so that it look like the billboard was displaying the best times. I think that this turned out well and you can see what it looks like below.

I think that this looked better than my previous main menu where it was just in game with a slight blur over the top. From here i can add some transitions and a loading screen for when the player presses the start button. From there i wanted to update my in game HUD, i  knew i had already made some reference images and sketches for what i wanted my HUD to look like. I then chose one and then started making small assets for it, once i had all of them i then put them together and created the HUD below. 



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