Progress Review & First Obstacle

During this week i was primarily working on my progress review for my project, this is a short slide show of just a few pages that i will also be presenting , within this project review will be an explanation to what i have been working on for the past few weeks in detail and showing off blueprints and my scripting methods.

One of the main sections to this presentation was an update on my project deliverable's this explains the changes that i have made to my deliverable since the proposal in the first week of the project. The main thing that i have changed since then has been the AI, i have decided to not go ahead with with enemy characters on the road as i feel like i wont have enough time to get the blueprints to a consistent polished standard like the rest of my project, as well as this i have worked on AI in the past but this has always been third and first person, and after doing research for my project i have found that racing AI is very difficult to get working in the first place regardless of getting it polished within my time frame. This inst a necessarily a bad thing that i have removed this from my project as it gives me more time to work on other weaker points to my project as well as adding more obstacles for the player to avoid. 

I have also spoke about my research into the project and the games that i have taken inspiration from as well as book that i have been reading to help me understand topics that range from different play styles that people take to level design and how to utilise my map and get the most out of my mechanics.

Here is a download link for people that would like to see this progress review and see a more in depth work process from me.




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