Pickups & Power-ups

During this week i have been working on trying to reward the player for taking risks by giving them rewards. As well as that i have also been trying to try and create more distractions and things that are going to slow the player down. For these i started by looking into other games and seeing what type of things that they use, one of the fist games that i looked at was Mario kart and the shell system where once the player has fired one it would hunt down an enemy player and then stun them for a few seconds slowing them down and lowering their highest score.

I wanted to try and replicate something like this within my game, i started by creating a script where when the player overlaps with the pickup a missile particle effect would play and target the player and from their disable their controls for a few seconds and stun them. As well as this before the bomb drops on the player i have created a widget so that there is a cross-hair that will search around the screen for the players location before dropping the bomb on them. I have shown my script above on how i have managed to create this effect.  I am quite happy with the way that its turned out, i have even made a quick particle effect as well to add when the bomb drops on the player.

As well as this pickup i have also created a second pickup where when the player overlaps with it, the controls will be inverted and also will a blurry effect over the top of the screen as well simulating a drunk type of effect and making it hard for the player to control the vehicle properly. I like this pickup because it works well with the theme of the game and also slows the player down.  Below i have added an image showing how i have managed this effect.

I think that the pickup works rather well and fits in well with the game and its wacky nature, after testing it on players this week as well i noticed that it is defiantly a hazard to players but its not too bad to the point where it ruins game play. 

Lastly i  have created a power up for the player as a reward for taking certain risks in the game, and after doing some research into other kart racers and especially with my game being a time trial what best power up to add then a nitro boost. This power up was created just by adding more acceleration to the player once they have overlapped with the pickup. Below i have demonstrated how the boost works in game.



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