Auto Orientate - Bug Fixing

The first bug that i had ran into was that whenever the vehicle controller would crash into any other static object the front end of the car would rise up and allow the player to accelerate into the sky and this broke the game. This bug needed fixing as soon as possible and that's why i had set out to try and get it fixed by the end of the week.

I tackled the problem by creating my own auto orientation blueprint that would send a ray-cast down from the player controller making sure that it is always going to cling to a surface making it harder to go off the road or bug out. As well as that just as an extra precaution i made another bit of scrip that would always auto orientate the players mesh back to its default rotation, this meant that when the player gets knocked by another player or crashes they will stabilise and go back to normal.

After i had tried and tested the player controller i can see that it has fixed it for the time being, I will keep testing it for the time begin to see if there is something i have missed and there is another way to break the orientation.



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