FYP - Introduction/Proposal

This week i had started a new semester and also a new module at university, this project is an final year project where i can create a deliverable that showcases my ability, my strengths and also everything that i have learned during my time at university. I have created this blog to explain week by week what i have been working on for my final year project as well as showing videos, photos and general development on my project.

The first task i was given was to create a proposal for my project, the reason for this was that i needed to get my project idea verified my a module tutor to make sure that the project i am wanting to work on is worth my time and will also show off all of my skills as a designer. There was a few ideas that i was wanting to go with when creating my proposal, the first one was going to be an endless runner for a mobile platform after a lot of thinking i decided against this because there wasn't too much mechanic wise to work on as a designer and that's when i decided to go ahead with my second idea, an arcade style kart racer.

The reason that i am wanting to create a kart racer is based around scope, i think that this is a good project to be working on over the space of 12 weeks, Kart racers normally have polished vehicle controllers, dynamic environments, simplistic art styles, item based mechanics and basic stable AI. these are things that i am wanting to focus on as my deliverable especially the player controller and the AI systems.

The project proposal i have created shows everything that i am wanting to be working on and why as well as things that i think i may struggle with as before i work on my project i at least want to do some research into these areas so that i have time to work out other methods of completing these tasks rather than just totally disregarding them. Another thing that i had added in this document was a technical overview so that i can explain to a module tutor how i was planning on creating the project with an in depth breakdown.

Here is a link to my proposal if you wish to take a look at it: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1VHucfRApX-J63JsEv0yWtVkLc_xktdN0fKIArGi-B2g

 Lastly please enjoy my blog



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