Camera swing and other changes

When i was in the research phase of my development a game that i looked into for inspiration was Wipe-out, This was mainly for the camera movement and swing as i think it works well with physics based vehicles and adds a nice amount of visual feedback to the player as well. I also feel like the camera game is very important to racing games as they need to be smooth and show off as much of the environment as they can so that the player knows where about they need to be driving next and have the ability to dodge obstacles as well. When setting the camera up i decided that the ideal way to achieve the camera movement that i wanted was to add the default camera to a spring arm, that way the camera would rotate around the player rather than world space. Once i had added the spring arm i made sure that i am only inheriting the Yaw camera input and no the pawn control rotation as well, I then added a small amount of camera lag as well and rotation lag as well as it adds a bit of flare to...