
Showing posts from January, 2019

Getting Started

This week i have got a good start into the project, the first thing that i had got done was my proposal for the project. I went through in detail about my project and how i am going to manage it. At the end of my proposal i had made an timeline explaining where i am meant to be week by week, I think that this is great because i now have something to follow to ensure that i am on track with the project and that i don't get behind or miss things out. Secondly i have made a start on my vehicle controller and am at the point now where i am happy with the way it works and feels. The work that i had done was first was created the physics hover component so that i could make an object hover in place and added two variables so that i could change the length of the hover and also the force and damping that they have as well. I then attached them to a new pawn controller that is going to be playable character so that the player would then hover in place. From the...

FYP - Introduction/Proposal

This week i had started a new semester and also a new module at university, this project is an final year project where i can create a deliverable that showcases my ability, my strengths and also everything that i have learned during my time at university. I have created this blog to explain week by week what i have been working on for my final year project as well as showing videos, photos and general development on my project. The first task i was given was to create a proposal for my project, the reason for this was that i needed to get my project idea verified my a module tutor to make sure that the project i am wanting to work on is worth my time and will also show off all of my skills as a designer. There was a few ideas that i was wanting to go with when creating my proposal, the first one was going to be an endless runner for a mobile platform after a lot of thinking i decided against this because there wasn't too much mechanic wise to work on as a designer and that...